SAP Enterprise Commerce调试环境搭建教程

作者阿里云代理 文章分类 分类:linux图文教程 阅读次数 已被围观 1246

(1) start Hybris server via debug option


image.png(2) import folder hybris\bin into Eclipse.

Right click on the extension you want to debug. In my example it is yacceleratorstorefront.image.pngChoose Debug Configuration from context menu. Use Remote Java Application for debug configuration and connect to port 8000.image.png(3) Set breakpoint in file \bin\ext-template\yacceleratorstorefront\web\src\de\hybris\platform\yacceleratorstorefront\filters\cms\

And access the storefront url below and try to open a catalog:


image.pngThen breakpoint is triggeredimage.pngimage.pngAfter you press continue in debugger, you could observe the detail page with url inspected in debugger as expected.

