SAP CRM文本配置里的Continue标签,到底控制了什么行为
Sent: Thursday, December 11, 2014 3:58 PM
Subject: [wave8 backend research]what does the checkbox “Continue” mean in Text Access Sequence customizing
SAP CRM note的自动拷贝
From: Wang, Jerry
Sent: Thursday, December 11, 2014 12:34 PM
Subject: [wave8 backend research] one example of Sales Order header level text
SAP ABAP maintanence view的数据校验机制
Subject: RE: Validate data in maintanence view
SM30的Maintenance View是通过SE11里面的工具生成的,所有的显示和增删改查的逻辑都是自动生成的代码,通常这些代码在和Maintenance View同名的Function Group里面。
SAP CRM呼叫中心和Hybris Backoffice的轮询设计
the browser polls at regular intervals (typically once per second) to the server and will thus get the information that the new event (alerting phone call) has occurred.
SAP Hybris的build callback和SAP ABAP的SGEN事务码
这个issue AIM in CRM and C4C里介绍了C4C和CRM的After import mechanism.